Who’s Moving to the Suburbs? The Crips and Bloods, that’s who!

Now, this is certainly exciting news.  Who wants to live in an area bereft of some of the urban conveniences offered by gang colors, tags, hand signs, drive by shootings, and easy access to illegal drugs?  No one, that’s who!

So that’s why it’s such good news to hear about a recent FBI report that gangs are starting to expand into the suburbs.  Just like Starbucks!

Here’s what the FBI had to say:

“Gangs have long posed a threat to public safety, but as this study shows, gang activity is no longer merely a problem for urban areas. Gang members are increasingly moving to suburban America, bringing with them the potential for increased crime and violence,” said Assistant Director Kenneth W. Kaiser, FBI Criminal Investigative Division.

Talk about serious hipster credibility.  There are gangs in the suburbs.  Gangs!

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  1. Donald Whamond says:

    Joe….the FBI still thinks the Bronx is the “suburbs”….you’ll be fine..
    (you’re not moving to the Bronx are you !!!??)


  1. […] the suburbs.  For example, we’ve seen how Amy Winehouse moved to the suburbs, and then the Crips and the Bloods (that was a big day for us), and then immigrants in general.  We’ve also discussed the […]