So this is it.

So this is it.

It wasn’t “real” until now. It hadn’t really hit home. I’ve been writing about it, and talking about it, and explaining why we’re leaving, and making lists of all the things I wanted to do before we left (and doing some of them), and savoring all the “lasts” we were doing (the last party, the last trip to the park, the last Sunday dinner, etc.), and looking at new homes, and doing all the stuff you need to do to move.
But it still wasn’t real until I saw the empty room today.  The movers came over today to pack up, with the actual move tomorrow. But they moved a lot of stuff around, leaving one of our rooms completely empty. I hadn’t seen it like that since we moved into the apartment (after our renovation) four years ago. I hadn’t seen my apartment empty.
It looked wierd.

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  1. […] years ago today, I moved out of the city.  I was 41 years old. I had lived in New York City since 1992, for most of 17 years, and was […]

  2. […] years ago today, I moved out of the city.  I was 41 years old. I had lived in New York City since 1992, for most of 17 years, and was […]